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Finding My Voice: How Writing Became My Therapy and Triumph

Updated: May 10

After my wedding, I found myself drawn to writing like never before. It was as if the act of putting pen to paperor fingers to keyboard and unlocked a part of me that had been dormant for too long. But it wasn't until I joined the Air Force Reserves and found myself with ample time to myself that writing truly became a lifeline and a form of therapy that allowed me to pour out my thoughts and emotions in a way that felt empowering.

Throughout my life I faced skepticism and ridicule from friends and even some family members. They dismissed me many times, failing to see the value in what I had to say. Their words stung, casting doubt on my own intelligence and worth. Yetdeep down, I knew they were wrong. Even when I had worked tirelessly to earn two degrees while juggling the responsibilities of single motherhood and two jobs their mocking voices lingered, leaving me questioning myself far too often. Even a best friends words of how worthless a education could be still till this day haunts me. If only she knew how deep that cut or how many nights I Stayed up doing hours of homework.

I remember the day I graduated from college vividly. It was a monumental achievement, one that should have been celebrated with pride and joy. Yet, I didn't walk across the stage, and I didn't boast about my accomplishment. I simply put my degree on the table in front of my parents as I remembered my mom asking me why I was late picking up my daughter the night before as if I looked like I was home sleeping. The fear of being judged, of being made to feel small and insignificant, held me back. Looking back, I regret not embracing that moment fully, not standing tall and proclaiming my worth to the world.

But through writing, I found my voice, my confidence, and my sense of self-worth. It became my sanctuary, a place where I could be unapologetically myself, free from judgment and ridicule. With each word I penned, I reclaimed a piece of myself that had been lost amidst the doubts and insecurities.

Today, I stand proud of the woman I've become. I've learned to silence the voices of doubt and embrace my own truth, unapologetically and without reservation. And though the journey hasn't always been easy, I wouldn't trade it for anything. For in the act of writing, I found not only peace but also strength. The strength to rise above the noise, to stand tall in my convictions, and to reclaim my narrative, one word at a time.

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