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Reaching your hugest potential.

Updated: May 10

Life can be difficult to analyze while looking into a microscope and we all understand it a bit different. This is a way for me to express my understanding to lives obstacles and challenges that we face throughout our time here.

This game we call Life is meant to be fun and fulfilling, inspirational,and beautifully complex. But Don’t get ahead of the game! What I mean is in the game of Nintendo, You can’t jump to level 4 without first starting on level 1, 2 and 3 with any game you play because you know level one only gives you what you can handle and introduces you to tasks that are more manageable then the level up. You will begin to see new challenges you need to overcome while still having to balance the other challenges you’ve already seen in previous levels. As the challenge gets more redundant you become mastered at those particular challenges and when you see it you recognize how to achieve it and move past it quickly.

This is the same concept in life and forever will new challenges arise along with old ones. And just like any game you tell your closest friends the secrets to passing through it a little easier then you did going in blind.

So again don’t get ahead and don’t rush!

Your just not there yet. Learn as much as you can in the level your at because you just might need those tools in your future. if you do jump ahead there is a high possibility you will be defended because you don’t have those tools from previous levels and life will naturally put you back on the level you belong in and then it will take you much longer to get to the next level in your life!

My father once told me if your in a hurry on the freeway and your so focused on going to fast and getting to your destination your going to miss the exit! Life is just so fast already why speed it up more your going to miss everything that is there for a reason. It’s never about the destination it’s always about the journey because that is where we learned the most and become our best selves reaching our highest potential.

Now going back to these levels of life we obviously don’t learn the same or have to face the same challenges at the same time like my Nintendo analogy. However, I believe eventually we have to face similar lessons. Example back to Nintendo in level 6 there is this hard shell spiky turtle dude that if you run fast enough through zone C you don’t have to even have to see him but if you were slow in previous areas In the game you have to face this guy and fight him! And trust me he wasn’t someone to mess with.. but once you learned how to kill him it wasn’t so bad and you could do it again and again so when he came up in future levels you could take him no problem. My point is the ones who dodged this guy before your not in the clear so face him now because I promise if that challenge is there it’s there for a reason and it will come back a little bit stronger and you can’t get past it until you learn how to defeat! Some of you may not get this analogy but it’s pretty common knowledge to know that levels in games gets more complex as you go through and you learn valuable tools along the way. Now We don’t always pick up on the same lessons as another and we don’t always encounter the same challenges in life because we all learn differently and we are all distracted in different areas. Some of us learn love at a younger age while that other person is learning how to handle death at that very same age and all the could have, would have, should have done feelings are having to be faced When a 55 year old man is just understanding love after being divorced 2 times and has never lost someone close to them. We all learn at different times in our lives and it doesn’t make anyone better then another because all of our levels are personal and we don’t have any other opponents accept for ourselves. You may feel like your in a race or in the same game but I promise your not. You may find yourself in situations where you recognize a lesson you’ve learned that someone else is going through and you already know how it’s going to turn out because you’ve “been there done that” and so bad you want to save them from themselves so they don’t have to learn the hard way like you did but 9 out of 10 times if they are in that position is because their actions put them there and they have to go through it and learn their own way and the silver lining of that is that’s the Beauty of life those lessons that make you stronger and a better person as long as you A. Don’t repeat it and B don’t get defeated and give up!  You must never give up no matter how hard the obstacle may seem. In other instances it’s not your place to see a friend or family member and think you know what level there on and what obstacles they will be faced with. Sure you can have an idea but unless you have a deep rooted relationship with this person you have no idea where they are at in their life and what they have already gone through to determine what lessons they have learned they could be well past what you haven’t even came close to learning yourself. The one thing I have a true hate from characters is when they think they know you better then you know yourself. I am here to tell you you do Not. Sure you can be wise in some areas of their lives and you can be more educated and understand yourself more than they understand themselves but you do Not know them better then they know themselves period! Once you cross that line and believe you know it all it tells me exactly what you don’t know about yourself and how your focus isn’t where my focus is which is inward. If your this person I’m going to have to tell you to stay humble and really focus inward not out your biggest growth is within and spend more time listening instead of talking and observing more than telling you just might learn something more that you didn’t know before. I’m not saying don’t be that helping hand and give advice when needed and be critical when necessary because it takes a village and team work and connectivity to grow sometimes.

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