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You are what you think

Updated: May 10

I’m going to ask you the most important Rhetorical question! What do you spend most of your time thinking about!? Be honest with yourself because your thoughts indeed shape your reality. You’re in your head space all times of the day thought after thought and these thoughts may lead to reflection on the past, causing feelings of depression, or excessive focus on the future, contributing to anxiety.

The bottom line is are you controlling yourself and your thoughts?! Redirecting any negative comments you think about yourself or others or spending to much time thinking about what you want to do instead of making a solid plan and getting the ball rolling! if your not thinking about what your thinking about then now’s the time to do it! It all starts here! When your looking for change this is your starting line, the center, the right of the home plate! That's your guy! The one that takes action first before any play can be done


The phrase "you are what you think" emphasizes the significance of developing self awareness and questioning restrictive beliefs and fostering a mindset of personal growth, resilience, and overall well-being. Its important to know while our thoughts and beliefs are important aspects of our inner world, they do not entirely define who we are or determine our worth as individuals. However, Our thoughts and beliefs shape our attitudes, decisions and actions. If we consistently think positively and believe in our abilities we are more likely to approach challenges with optimism and resilience.  Negative thinking can lead to self-doubt, fear and avoidance of opportunities. Having a positive and compassionate inner dialogue can foster resilience and emotional balance.


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